Supabase vs Firebase: A Comprehensive Comparison


Supabase and Firebase are both popular Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) platforms that offer developers a range of tools to build and scale apps quickly. While Firebase is a Google-backed service, Supabase is often hailed as an open-source alternative. This article compares the two on various fronts.

Key Features


  • Realtime Database & Firestore: Offers a NoSQL cloud database to store and sync data in real-time.
  • Authentication: Supports authentication with emails, social providers, and more.
  • Cloud Functions: Allows running backend code in response to HTTPS requests or database triggers.
  • Hosting: Provides hosting for web apps with global CDN.


  • PostgreSQL Database: Leverages PostgreSQL, which supports both SQL and NoSQL data.
  • Realtime Subscriptions: Allows subscribing to database changes in real-time.
  • Auth: Simple authentication with support for third-party providers.
  • Storage: Offers storage solutions with rich querying capabilities.

Performance and Scalability

  • Firebase: Known for its scalability, especially with Firestore, which scales automatically.
  • Supabase: Offers good performance, but being relatively new, its scalability in large-scale applications is less tested.


  • Firebase:
    • Free tier available with limited capabilities.
    • Pay-as-you-go pricing for advanced features.
  • Supabase:
    • Also offers a free tier.
    • Different pricing tiers based on usage.

Use Cases

  • Firebase: Ideal for rapid development, especially for mobile and web applications requiring real-time data.
  • Supabase: Best suited for projects where developers prefer using SQL and require PostgreSQL's robust features.


Both Firebase and Supabase offer unique features and capabilities. The choice largely depends on specific project requirements, preference for database technology, and scalability needs.

Launch your SaaS with our Supabase + NextJS Course

Learn how to create an AI-powered SaaS from scratch using Supabase and Next.js. We will guide you from zero to launch. What you will learn:

  • Stripe payments
  • Authentication with email/password and social logins
  • AI functionality: Chat, Langchain integration, OpenAI API streaming and more
  • How to setup emails, file storage, etc.